
SAS is a evaluation metric for Spatial Transcriptomics data. It addresses the limitations of existing clustering evaluation metrics by accounting for label agreement, spatial locations, and error severity simultaneously.


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# Install the package from GitHub
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

Spatial Alignment Score (SAS)

SAS(true_labels, cluster_labels, spatial_coordinates , match_cluster_labels = TRUE , params = list)


  • true_label :
    A vector containing the ground truth labels, used as a reference.

  • cluster_labels :
    A vector containing the cluster labels to be evaluated.

  • spatial_coordinates :
    A matrix or data frame containing the spatial coordinates (e.g., x, y) of each data point.

  • match_cluster_labels : (default = TRUE)
    A boolean value..If TRUE, the function will attempt to match the cluster_labels with the true_labels using an internal matching function. This is useful when the labels are not already matched (e.g., matched by external information like marker genes).

  • params : (optional)
    A list of additional parameters that control more detailed aspects of the evaluation.


A MMD-based (maximum mean discrepancy) score, ranging from 0 to 2, where smaller values indicate better alignment.

Example Usage

Click here to download the data used in the example below.

Example 1: Basic Usage

# Reproduce the Case I in the paper

metadata <-
coordinates <- metadata[, c("spatial_x", "spatial_y")]
truth_labels <- metadata$truth_label
pred_labels_edge <- metadata$edge_error

SAS = SAS(true_labels = truth_labels, 
           cluster_labels = pred1_labels , 
           spatial_coordinates = coordinates , 
           match_cluster_labels = FALSE)

Example 2: When considering the Error Severity

# Reproduce the Case II in the paper
data <- read.csv('Simulate_Case_Severity.csv')

dict_severity_levels1 <- list(
  list(name = "Normal", severity_level = 1),
  list(name = "Cancer", severity_level = 2)

truth_labels = data$truth_label
pred_labels_FP = data$FP_error
coordinates = data[, c("x", "y")]

params <-list(
  apply_anomaly_severity_weight = TRUE,
  severity_weight_dict = dict_severity_levels1

  true_labels = truth_labels , 
  cluster_labels = pred_labels_FP , 
  spatial_coordinates = coordinates,
  params = params)

Cite SAS

Jiaying Hu, Yihang Du, Suyang Hou, Yueyang Ding, Hao Wu and Xiaobo Sun#.SAS:A clustering evaluation metric for spatial transcriptomics.,2024